My project “If the streets could speak” featured on L'Œil de la photographie
Full page image on Die Zeit as a support for an article about waste and plastic recycling
'Sea Beasts' exhibition at the Luftmuseum in Amberg, Germany! Dive into a world of artificial marine wonders from October 29th to January 21st.
"The Wait," has been shortlisted for the Sony World Photography Award in the Street Photography category.
Linda Magazine
Fluter Magazine
Il Fotografo
Il Fotografo_Interview
Il Fotografo_Interview
DIE ZEIT Magazine_Italian Summer
DIE ZEIT Magazine_Italian Summer
DIE ZEIT Magazine_Italian Summer
DIE ZEIT Magazine_Grenfell Tower
Photo + Exposure Award Winner
Lens Culture_Italian Summer
Lens Culture_Italian Summer
Feature Shot_Italian Summer
Stern_Italian Summer
Vice_Italian Summer
Corriere Della Sera_Italian Summer
Street Photography Londone_Italian Summer
Photovogue Stories_Il battito di Cuba
La Repubblica_W10 London
Dodho Magazine_W10 London
L'Oeil del la Photographie_W10 London
4th International Exibition in Baghdad
Exibition @ London Photography Gallery
Video projected Exibition at the Portobello Community Arts Festival
Exibition @ Photolux with Photovogue
"Change The Way You See The World" Book with Photovogue
Il Sole 24 Ore_The Shard
National Geographic Italy_ From Rome with love
National Geographic Italy_ Africa on the move
National Geographic Italy_ Il battito di Cuba
National Geographic Italy_ Il battito di Cuba
National Geographic_Sunday Read
National Geographic Italy
National Geographic Italy_ The girl from Syria
National Geographic Italy_ A Tuareg family
Matt Stuart’s dedication on his book